Planning FAQs


Below are some of the most common questions we receive at the Planning Department.

If you have further question, not answered below or elsewhere on the Town's web site, please contact the Planning Department.



  1. Can I construct/alter a pond on my property?
  2. What size of a garage/accessory building can I build?
  3. Can I have a home based business in my residence?
  4. Can I have a second residence on my property?
  5. Do I need a building permit for a pool?
  6. Can I have an apartment in my house?
  7. Can I operate a dog kennel on my property?
  8. When is a building permit required?
  9. Can I keep or house horses/other animals on my property?
  10. What is the Development Permit Process in the Town of Mono?

Can I construct/alter a pond on my property?

All pond construction on properties in the Niagara Escarpment Plan area require a permit from the Niagara Escarpment Commission. All properties in the Town are governed by a Conservation Authority and these individual Conservation Authorities may also require permits for pond construction.

For your convenience, below are contact numbers for these agencies:

We receive many calls regarding ponds. so please ensure that you either have a permit from the appropriate agency or written response indicating that a permit is not required.

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What size of a garage/accessory building can I build?

The maximum lot coverage for all accessory buildings and structures in Residential zones is 140 m2.

In Rural Zones the maximum gross floor area permitted for all accessory buildings or structures located on a lot are as follows, provided that the maximum lot coverage (15%) is not exceeded:

  1. On a lot 0.8 ha (2 ac) in size or less the maximum gross floor area for an accessory building or structure is 225 m2 (2,422 ft2 );
  2. On a lot 2 ha (5 ac) in size or less but larger than 0.8 ha (2 ac) in size the maximum gross floor area for an accessory building or structure is 370 m2 (3,983 ft2 ); and
  3. On a lot larger than 2 ha (5 ac) in size the maximum gross floor area for an accessory building or structure is 600 m2 (6,459 ft2 ). Structures with maximum gross floor area exceeding 370 m2 (3,983 ft2 ) but less than 600 m2 (6,459 ft2 ) are subject to site plan control under the Planning Act.

» For more information, please see Section 5(1) of Zoning Bylaw 78-1.

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Can I have a home based business in my residence?

In Rural and Residential Zones in the Town of Mono, home occupations are permitted and must conform to the provisions set out below. If your property is located in the Niagara Escarpment Plan or Development Control area, home occupations are allowed; however, a permit is required from Niagara Escarpment and additional conditions may apply.

Not more than 25% of the dwelling shall be used for the home occupation and it shall neither change the residential character of the dwelling, nor create or become a public nuisance, due to excessive dust, fumes, noise, vibration, traffic or parking. There shall be no goods, wares, or merchandise, other than arts and crafts produced on the premises, offered or exposed for sale or rent on the premises.

No person, other than a member of the family, shall be employed in the home occupation or engaged in canvassing, delivering or as go-between in distributing merchandise to customers. Only private medical practice may include one employee who is not a member of the practitioner's family.

No external display or advertising, other than a lawful sign of a maximum 0.56 m2 (6 sq ft), is permitted to indicate that any part of the home is being used for a purpose other than residential.

» For more information, please see Section 5(9) of Zoning Bylaw 78-1.

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Can I have a second residence on my property?

A secondary dwelling unit is permitted on lots that have a minimum lot area of 10 hectares (25 acres). Second dwellings are not permitted in the Niagara Escarpment Plan and Development Control Areas.

A Secondary Dwelling Unit must be subordinate in size to the principal dwelling house; shall have a minimum gross floor area of 74 m2; shall have a maximum setback of 50 metres from the principal use; shall have a separate septic system; and shall utilize the existing driveway access. It is a strict policy in the Official Plan that secondary dwelling units shall not be severed from the property in the future.

» For more information, please see Section 5(1)(i) of Zoning Bylaw 78-1.

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Do I need a building permit for a pool?

All lots in the Town of Mono having an area of 0.81 hectares (2 acres) or less require a building permit from the County of Dufferin Building Department for the required fence enclosure. All fences for pools shall be constructed in accordance with Bylaw 2020-36.

A Site Plan must be submitted to the Town, with the applicable Municipal Approval Form, detailing the pool fencing location and the type of fence to be constructed. Once the Municipal Approval has been approved by the town, a building permit may be applied for at the County of Dufferin.

Please note that all construction vehicles must utilize the existing driveway. If this is not feasible, an Application for Entrance Permit may be applied for.

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Can I have an apartment in my house?

In the Rural and all Residential zones in the Town of Mono, one accessory apartment shall be permittedin a residence on a lot.

The size of an accessory apartment shall be limited to a maximum of 30% of the gross floor area of a single detached dwelling house, excluding the basement and private garage. If an accessory apartment is located wholly in the basement, there is no maximum gross floor area.

» For more information, please see Section 5(1)(h) of Zoning Bylaw 78-1.

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Can I operate a dog kennel on my property?

A maximum of 3 dogs are permitted on any property not licenced as a kennel. Licenced kennels are strictly controlled and are permitted on a property of at least 19.5 hectares (48 acres). Kennel licences must comply with Bylaw 2002-62, as amended. Once all requirements of Bylaw 2002-62, as amended, have been met, Municipal K9 Control is responsible for the reviewing, issuing, and renewing of kennel licences in the Town.

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When is a building permit required?

The Building Code Act requires that a Building Permit be obtained for the construction of:

  • Any structure occupying an area greater than 10 m2 (108 ft2) consisting of a wall, roof and floor or a structural system serving the function thereof including all plumbing, works, fixtures, and service systems.
  • A structure occupying an area of 10 m2 or less that contains plumbing.
  • Plumbing not located in a structure.
  • A sewage disposal system.
  • Structures designated in the building code.

To confirm that a Building Permit is or is not required for your specific project, please contact Dufferin County Building Services Division before starting any construction project.

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Can I keep or house horses/other animals on my property?

Properties zoned Rural and that are greater than 1.62 hectares (4 acres) are permitted to keep animals. Property size will determine the number and type of animals permitted.

Rural properties between 0.41 hectares (1 acre) and 1.62 hectares (4 acres) are permitted to have not more than 20 fowl or mature rabbits (plus litters).

Any barns proposed to house five (5) or more animal units must receive a Nutrient Management Certificate from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.

»For more information, please see Section 20(4) of Zoning Bylaw 78-1 to determine the number and type of animals permitted on your property, and requirements for building barns on smaller lots.

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What is the Development Permit Process in the Town of Mono?

A breakdown of the process can be found on our Development Permit Process page.

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You can also download the form as a .pdf, fill it out, and submit it by email to or mail it:

ATTN: Planning Department
Town of Mono
347209 Mono Centre Road
Mono, ON
L9W 6S3

Contact Information


What Is Your Inquiry? *

Check all boxes that apply. Please add comments under Other.

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Grading Review Fee Payment

Pay the fee for a Grading Review. A grading review may be required during the development permit process if the property is zoned Suburban Residential. This fee can be paid online or in-person at Town Hall.

Zoning Confirmation Fee Payment

Pay the fee for a Zoning Confirmation Letter. The letter can be used if the property is being sold and the buyer wants information about the land uses and zoning of the property.

Other Planning Fees

Pay a fee that is not listed on the Paying Planning Fees Online Page. Please only use this form if you have been asked to do so by the Town of Mono's Planning Department.


Please self-identify your familiarity with and understanding of the Planning Process. Completing this section will help staff deliver comments on your proposal in the most effective way.

  • No Experience:
  • Not familiar with the Town's policies and guidelines
  • No previous experience with the Planning application process
  • Not aware of what drawings or reports would be required to support a development proposal or why they are needed Somewhat Experienced
  • Some Experience
  • Some previous experience with the Planning application process
  • Have an understanding that drawings or reports may be required to support a development proposal but not sure how to identify which ones
  • Experienced
  • Professional understanding of the Town's policies and guidelines
  • Extensive experience with the Planning application process
  • Working technical knowledge of which drawings or reports are typically required to support a development proposal
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1. Location of Property

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2. Registered Property Owner - Mailing Address

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3. Applicant/Authorized Agent - Mailing Address (if different than Owner)

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4. Description of Existing Property

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5. Proposal

Lot Creation


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6. Policy Framework

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7. Site Servicing

How is the existing property serviced? 

How is the proposed development intended to be serviced?

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8. Development Constraints

Describe any natural features and/or functions, including hydrogeological on or adjacent to the subject property (i.e. water courses, valleylands, wetlands, woodlands, ANSI, Provincial Parks, Town-owned lands, Dufferin county forests, CA lands).

Source Water Protection

 A. Salt Application & Storage  Yes
 B. Fuel Handling & Storage  Yes
 C. Waste Storage  Yes
 D. Chemical Handling & Storage  Yes
 E. Agricultural Material Application & Storage  Yes
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9. Drawings

Drawings are required for all pre-consultation applications.

The personal information collected on this form is collected under the authority of the Planning Act as amended. The information is used for the purposes of scheduling and preparing a pre-consultation meeting. Questions regarding the collection of this information should be directed to the Towns Records/FOI Coordinator at 519-941-3599, ext. 230

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Official Plan Schedule Maps

Front Desk Access

A Town of Mono Natural Heritage binder is located at the Town of Mono Town Hall front desk, containing the draft Natural Heritage Atlas mapping, policies and methods, for review and comment. Additional copies of binder materials may be requested at the front desk.

All comments, additions or deletions would be gratefully appreciated. Please send by email to the Planning Department or leave written materials at the Town of Mono Municipal front desk. Thank you.

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