Bylaw Request Form
Use this form to contact Town staff regarding bylaws. Please note: this is not for requesting bylaw enforcement. It is only for requestion information on a bylaw. To request bylaw enforcement, please fill out the appropriate online form.
Requests to join the next Public Question Period may be submitted up to 24 hours before the Council Meeting.
Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for the purposes of providing access information to an upcoming council meeting's Public Question Period. The meeting and any participation by the registered attendant will be live streamed, recorded, published to the town's website, and will form part of the public record. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Clerk’s Office:, 347209 Mono Centre Road, Mono ON L9W 6S3, 519.941.3599.
- Download a copy of the Customer Service Complaint Form
- Town of Mono's Customer Service Issue and Complaint Policy
Freedom of Information Request Form
Pre Notification of Amounts
Fixed Amounts: The Town of Mono will provide written notice of the amount to be debited at least ten (10) calendar days before the date of each debit.
Variable Amounts: The Town of Mono will provide written notice of each amount to be debited and the date of the debit at least ten (10) calendar days before the date of each debit.
Business Debit Plans Only: The account holder and the Town of Mono agree to waive the above pre notification requirements.
Rights of Dispute
The account holder may dispute a debit under the following conditions:
- the debit was not drawn in accordance with this Authorization;
- this Authorization was revoked or cancelled;
- or prenotification (as set out in paragraph 2 above) was not received.
In order to be reimbursed, the account holder must complete a Declaration Form at the above indicated branch of the Bank up to and including;
- 90 calendar days (in the case of a Personal / Household debit) or
- 10 calendar days (in the case of a Business debit), after the date on which the debit in dispute was posted ot the account holder's account.
The account holder acknowledges that disputes after the above noted time limitations are matters to be resolved solely between the Town of Mono and the account holder.
Terms of Authorization to Debit the Account
Effective at the time of submission and as per the dates indicated on the Metered Water Billing or property tax notice.
The Bank is not required to verify that any debits drawn by the Town of Mono are in accordance with this Authorization or the agreement made between the account holder and the Town of Mono.
It is acknowledged that in order to remove this Authorization the account holder must provide written notice to the Town of Mono. This authorization may be cancelled at any time upon written notice by the account holder to the Town of Mono.
The account holder will notify the Town of Mono promptly in writing if there is any change in the above account information.
Any delivery of this Authorization to the Company constitutes delivery by the account holder to the Bank. It is warranted by the account holder that all persons whose consent is required to agree ton the indicated account agree.