Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

2022 Council Raising the Multicultural Flag

The DEI Vision of The Town of Mono

The Town recognizes the dignity and worth of people by treating them equitably, by fairly providing services, by consulting with communities and encouraging everyone to participate in decision-making.

The Town of Mono:

  • is committed to pursuing a program which promotes and celebrates diversity of personal identities and equity between persons,
  • values the contributions made by all its people and believes that the diversity among our people has and will strengthen us further,
  • Will facilitate the equitable access and inclusion of all residents in the many aspects of our community including their interactions with municipal council, staff, and participation in Town programs.

The Town values the contributions made by all its people and believes that the diversity among our people has and will strengthen us further.

The DEI Advisory Committee

In December 2021 the Council of the Town of Mono established a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Community Advisory Committee. The aim of this committee is to bring awareness and education in the concepts of DEI to all residents of Mono and integrate these concepts in the policies and practices of the Town of Mono and into its community.

Current Initiatives:

  • Coming Soon.

Past Initiatives:

Mono DEI Committee, Staff, and Mayor Creelman in 2022 raising the Pride Flag

The Committee Members Are:


  • Councillor Elaine Capes
  • Councillor Ralph Manktelow

Community Members

  • Aminah Abdin
  • Anne Brossard
  • Awalin Buttar
  • Sabrina Cook, Committee Chair
  • Andrew Mallouk
  • Roopal Patel
  • Christine Walker       

Staff Representatives

  • Mike Dunmore, CAO / Deputy Clerk

Committee Terms of Reference


The purpose of this Standing Citizens Advisory Committee is to provide advice to Town of Mono Council on matters related to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). Except where set out below, the Committee shall operate in accordance with the Town’s “Standing Citizen Advisory Committee” policy, as amended. The Committee shall be referred to as the Mono DEI Advisory Committee.


The mandate for the Mono DEI Advisory Committee will be to advise and make recommendations to Town of Mono Council, and to provide a monitoring and measuring role to help ensure that the Town Council applies a diversity, equity and inclusion lens to its policies, services, programs and practices, including:

  1. Providing insight, advice, and recommendations to Town Council relating to the following:
    • identifying systemic barriers faced in accessing municipal services, information, programs and facilities;
    • strategies for building connections and fostering a deeper sense of inclusion and belonging especially for marginalized groups in the Town;
    • propose local municipal initiatives, services, and policies to meet changing needs of a diverse community;
    • employment and employee awareness policies, initiatives, and programs.
  2. Providing recommendations on opportunities for education and awareness programs for the Committee, Council and staff on anti-racism, diversity, equity and inclusion in consultation with Town Council, the Town CAO, and within the budget allocated by Town Council.
  3. Liaise with organizations and stakeholders, particularly those from marginalized groups including but not limited to BIPOC, and 2SLGBTQIA+ community members to facilitate discussions that promote broader understanding and engagement between residents of diverse backgrounds and abilities.

Committee Agendas and Minutes

View Previous DEI Meetings & Documents

Days Significance

Information about DEI: 

Meanings of Some Terms


Other Terms

Gender-Related Terms

Useful Links