The people of Mono inherit a magnificent natural legacy. The goal of the Town is to pass this inheritance on to the next and future generations, and to conserve and restore natural features and areas, as well as their ecological functions.

Mono supports a great diversity of natural areas, species and ecosystems, all set within a diverse and scenic landscape of rolling hills, woodlands and wetlands, dry uplands and watered lowlands, cliffs and valleys, as well as other special places where Nature thrives.
The provincial standard for mapping the areas to which natural heritage policies are applied is the Natural Heritage System. The natural heritage system is a network of lands and waters, of natural heritage features and areas, and of linkages intended to provide connectivity and to support natural processes that are necessary to maintain biological and geological diversity, natural functions, viable populations of indigenous species and ecosystems, which are considered significant for their environmental and social values as a legacy of the natural landscapes of the Town of Mono.