Statutory Public Meeting: Official Plan Amendment 41 | July 24th

Notice of Statutory Public Meeting

Official Plan Amendment - Number OPA 41
Municipal Wide Natural Heritage System

In accordance with Sections 22 and 17 (15) of the Planning Act, Council for the Town of Mono will hold a Statutory Public Meeting on:

Green Line

Tuesday, July 24th, 2018
9:30 a.m.
Town of Mono - Council Chambers
(347209 Mono Centre Road)

Green Line


Official Plan Amendment 41 (OPA 41), if approved by Town Council, would fulfill a Provincial mandate under Section 2.1 of the (2014) Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) to identify a Natural Heritage System (NHS) in Ecoregions 6E in which the Town of Mono resides.  OPA 41 also fulfills a key policy under Section 4.2.2 of the Provincial Growth Plan for relevant lands in the Town as well as supporting related key goals in the associated Provincial Plans for the Greenbelt, Niagara Escarpment and Oak Ridges Moraine.

A key policy theme of OPA 41 is to protect and enhance natural heritage features and areas in conjunction with decisions on applications for proposed developments and/or site alterations under Part III of the Planning Act.  The natural heritage policies in OPA 41 will broadly protect, conserve, and enhance the Town’s natural heritage features and areas and will also provide the local basis for a future County-wide NHS to be undertaken as part of the Dufferin County Official Plan Municipal Comprehensive Review.

No key map is provided as OPA 41 is a Municipal-wide Amendment.

OPA 41 can be reviewed at the Town Hall during regular business office hours and is also available online: OPA 41

Notification of the Decision

If you wish to be notified of the decision of the Town of Mono on the proposed official plan amendment, you must make a written request to the Town of Mono Planning Department at the address noted below.

Oral/Written Comments

If a person or public body does not make oral submissions at a public meeting or make written submission to the Town of Mono before the proposed official plan amendment is adopted, the person or public body is not entitled to appeal the decision of the Town of Mono to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (LPAT) and the person or public body may not be added as a party to the hearing of an appeal before the LPAT unless, in the opinion of the Tribunal, there are reasonable grounds to add the person or public body as a party.  

Further Information  

For more information about this matter, including information about preserving your appeal rights, contact David Trotman, Director of Planning, at Town of Mono, 347209 Mono Centre Road, Mono ON  L9W 6S3   Phone – 519-941-3599 Ext 230 or email

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You can also download the form as a .pdf, fill it out, and submit it by email to or mail it:

ATTN: Planning Department
Town of Mono
347209 Mono Centre Road
Mono, ON
L9W 6S3

Contact Information


What Is Your Inquiry? *

Check all boxes that apply. Please add comments under Other.

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Grading Review Fee Payment

Pay the fee for a Grading Review. A grading review may be required during the development permit process if the property is zoned Suburban Residential. This fee can be paid online or in-person at Town Hall.

Zoning Confirmation Fee Payment

Pay the fee for a Zoning Confirmation Letter. The letter can be used if the property is being sold and the buyer wants information about the land uses and zoning of the property.

Other Planning Fees

Pay a fee that is not listed on the Paying Planning Fees Online Page. Please only use this form if you have been asked to do so by the Town of Mono's Planning Department.


Please self-identify your familiarity with and understanding of the Planning Process. Completing this section will help staff deliver comments on your proposal in the most effective way.

  • No Experience:
  • Not familiar with the Town's policies and guidelines
  • No previous experience with the Planning application process
  • Not aware of what drawings or reports would be required to support a development proposal or why they are needed Somewhat Experienced
  • Some Experience
  • Some previous experience with the Planning application process
  • Have an understanding that drawings or reports may be required to support a development proposal but not sure how to identify which ones
  • Experienced
  • Professional understanding of the Town's policies and guidelines
  • Extensive experience with the Planning application process
  • Working technical knowledge of which drawings or reports are typically required to support a development proposal
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1. Location of Property

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2. Registered Property Owner - Mailing Address

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3. Applicant/Authorized Agent - Mailing Address (if different than Owner)

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4. Description of Existing Property

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5. Proposal

Lot Creation


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6. Policy Framework

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7. Site Servicing

How is the existing property serviced? 

How is the proposed development intended to be serviced?

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8. Development Constraints

Describe any natural features and/or functions, including hydrogeological on or adjacent to the subject property (i.e. water courses, valleylands, wetlands, woodlands, ANSI, Provincial Parks, Town-owned lands, Dufferin county forests, CA lands).

Source Water Protection

 A. Salt Application & Storage  Yes
 B. Fuel Handling & Storage  Yes
 C. Waste Storage  Yes
 D. Chemical Handling & Storage  Yes
 E. Agricultural Material Application & Storage  Yes
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9. Drawings

Drawings are required for all pre-consultation applications.

The personal information collected on this form is collected under the authority of the Planning Act as amended. The information is used for the purposes of scheduling and preparing a pre-consultation meeting. Questions regarding the collection of this information should be directed to the Towns Records/FOI Coordinator at 519-941-3599, ext. 230

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Official Plan Schedule Maps

Front Desk Access

A Town of Mono Natural Heritage binder is located at the Town of Mono Town Hall front desk, containing the draft Natural Heritage Atlas mapping, policies and methods, for review and comment. Additional copies of binder materials may be requested at the front desk.

All comments, additions or deletions would be gratefully appreciated. Please send by email to the Planning Department or leave written materials at the Town of Mono Municipal front desk. Thank you.

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