Lost/Damaged Dog Tags

While the Town issues stainless steel dog tags that should be resilient, they can still be damaged and they can still get lost. The cost to replace a lost or damaged dog tag is $15.00 each.

You should only fill out this form if you received a dog tag in the past that has been lost or damaged. If the dog tag that you have was obtained prior to 2021 or you have never received a dog tag, you will need to apply for a new dog tag issued by the Town of Mono.

Use of Your Personal Information

Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for the purposes of processing requests for replacement dog tags and associated fees. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Clerk’s Office: ClerksOffice@townofmono.com, 347209 Mono Centre Road, Mono ON L9W 6S3, 519.941.3599.

* Indicates a required field or section

Your Information *

Enter all lost or damaged dog tags numbers if you have a record of them.

Replacement Tags *
Dogs' Names *

Number of Passes & Player Information

Each person in your household who will be using the courts must have a pass.


1 Pass: $30

2 Passes: $60

Family Pass: $90 *

* All tennis players registered under a family pass must live at the same residence.
Your Dufferin County Address

You must be a resident or ratepayer of Dufferin County to get a Mono Court Pass.

Courts You'll Be Using Most Often

Please let us know which courts you plan on using the most often. You can select multiple courts.

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In this Section:

All residents of Mono must have a license for each dog they own. Registering your dog provides useful information to animal control should your dog ever become loose. The bylaw that regulates the keeping, control, and licensing of dogs is the Dog Bylaw (Bylaw No. 2002-62):

To register your dog, we will need the following information:

Costs for dog licensing: $20 for each spayed or neutered dog and $30 for each dog that is not spayed or neutered. You can pay online by credit card (Visa or Mastercard) or through PayPal. Dog tags need to be renewed annually on or before April 1.

Service Dogs

If you are registering a service dog, please contact the Town prior to filling out the form. Services dogs are required to be licensed and tagged; however, there is no charge for licensing a service dog.


Contact the Town for questions about registering your dog, status of your dog's licence, or to update your information:
519.941.3599, 233
Send us a message.

Use of Your Personal Information

Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for the purposes of registering dogs in Mono and processing licensing fees. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Clerk’s Office: ClerksOffice@townofmono.com, 347209 Mono Centre Road, Mono ON L9W 6S3, 519.941.3599.

Registration Form

* indicates a required field / section.


Before you begin, this form is for registering a dog that has not been registered before. If you received your dog tag in 2021, you just need to renew your dogs' licence. The information we collect on the renewal form is simplified to what the Town needs to confirm the renewal of the correct tags.

Renew Licence

Step 1: General Information & Registration for One Dog

My Human's Name *

If you received a renewal notice, please enter your invoice number.

Registration for One Dog

A dog licence for a dog that is spayed or neutered is $20. A dog licence for a dog that is not spayed or neutered is $30.

Please fill this out if your dog has any unique markings.

Are You Licensing a Guard Dog?

After checking this box, you will be asked for insurance details for verification purposes.

Press the Add button before going on to register additional dogs.

Step 2: Registration for a Second Dog

Second Dog's Information *

A dog licence for a dog that is spayed or neutered is $20. A dog licence for a dog that is not spayed or neutered is $30.

Please fill this out if your dog has any unique markings.

Are You Licensing a Guard Dog?

After checking this box, you will be asked for insurance details for verification purposes.

Step 3: Registration for a Third Dog

Third Dog's Information *

A dog licence for a dog that is spayed or neutered is $20. A dog licence for a dog that is not spayed or neutered is $30.

Please fill this out if your dog has any unique markings.

Are You Licensing a Guard Dog?

After checking this box, you will be asked for insurance details for verification purposes.

Final Step: Verification & Payment

When all of your dogs have been added, you are ready to pay. Verify all of information is correct on the payment screen. If anything is incorrect, select "Remove from cart" under the dog's information. Return to this page and fill out the correct information.

Go to Payment