On Friday, May 3rd at 12 noon, Hon. Kinga Surma, Minister of Infrastructure, Province of Ontario, a Ministry of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Representative and Sylvia Jones, Deputy Premier of Ontario and MPP for Dufferin Caledon will be at Lynn Gibson Park in Mono to celebrate the receipt of a federal and provincial government grant funded through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program, COVID Stream for the construction of two accessible tennis courts complete with nets, posts, fencing, wind break, LED lighting and a sun shelter. Additional activities in this project involve the construction of a playing field, trail connection, foot path, bike racks, bike repair station, shade trees, picnic tables and benches.
Mono Mayor John Creelman will also attend the event to acknowledge this grant and the impact it has had on the community.
Ministry of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities Representative
Hon. Kinga Surma – Minister of Infrastructure, Province of Ontario
Sylvia Jones, MPP Dufferin Caledon
John Creelman, Mayor Town of Mono
Friday, May 3rd, 2024
12 noon – 12:30 p.m.
Lynn Gibson Park Tennis Courts
713150 1st Line EHS
For further information, please contact
Kimberley Heaton, Director of Recreation
Town of Mono
519 941 3599 x227
Media Advisory Document
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