Schedule 6 of Bill 229 — Open Letter to the Honourable Sylvia Jones, MPP

Town of Mono's

Rogers fastest fibre-powered internet and TV is coming to Mono

Town of Mono Council has sent the following letter dated November 25, 2020 to the Honourable Sylvia Jones, MPP for Dufferin-Caledon:

Dear Honourable Sylvia Jones:

Mono Council unanimously passed a resolution at its meeting of November 24, 2020 and we append a copy of it to this letter.  Mono is a member of three conservation authorities – Toronto Region, Credit and the Nottawasaga.  We value the services provided – all services but in particular the assistance in making planning decisions that protect our drinking water, that protect us from developing in flood-prone areas and that protect our wetlands and aquifers.  

In 2021 Mono will spend $133,365 on conservation authorities.  If we had to hire our own employees – engineers, planners, ecologists, hydrogeologists, foresters, outdoor educational staff, etc. – to do its own work, we would spend much more than $133,365 for these services

We were not impressed with Schedule 6 to Bill 229.  It undermines the power of conservation authorities to do their job.  And we were particularly unimpressed when your government slipped these proposed changes to the Conservation Authorities Act into a Budget Bill.

We are concerned that Schedule 6 undermines the ability of conservation authorities to make non-political, technical decisions based on science.  It does this by allowing the Minister to over-rule the decisions of conservation authorities.  Schedule 6 will also interfere with the fiduciary duty of a conservation authority board member.  Board members have to think of watershed-wide interests in making decisions. We are also concerned that Schedule 6 limits the enforcement powers of conservation authorities.

We have to agree with the Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) assessment of Schedule 6 of Bill 229:

“the package of amendments as proposed are likely to set back watershed planning and implementation of an ecosystem-based approach by decades. As such, CELA recommends that Schedule 6 not be enacted in its present form and instead be withdrawn in its entirety from Bill 229.”


The Council of the Town of Mono

Mayor Laura Ryan

Deputy Mayor John Creelman

Councillor Ralph Manktelow

Councillor Sharon Martin

Councillor Fred Nix


  1. Town of Mono Resolution 6-VC17-2020 passed November 24, 2020


Hon. Doug Ford, Premier

Hon. Rod Phillips, Minister of Finance

Hon. Jeff Yurek, Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks

Andrea Horwath, Leader, Official Opposition

Steven Del Duca, Leader, Ontario Liberal Party

Mike Schreiner, Leader, Green Party of Ontario

Sandy Shaw, Critic, Finance and Treasury Board

Ian Arthur, Critic, Environment

Peter Tabuns, Critic, Climate Crisis

Email copies to: NVCA, CVC, TRCA, Canadian Environmental Law Association, AMO & all Ontario municipalities

Resolution #6-VC17-2020

Moved by Ralph Manktelow, Seconded by Fred Nix

WHEREAS the Province has introduced Bill 229, Protect, Support and Recover from COVID 19 Act - Schedule 6 – Conservation Authorities Act;

AND WHEREAS the Legislation introduces several changes and new sections that could remove and/or significantly hinder conservation authorities’ role in regulating development, permit appeal process and engaging in review and appeal of planning applications;

AND WHEREAS we rely on the watershed expertise provided by local conservation authorities to protect residents, property, and local natural resources on a watershed basis by regulating development and engaging in reviews of applications submitted under the Planning Act;

AND WHEREAS the changes allow the Minister to make decisions without conservation authority watershed data and expertise;

AND WHEREAS the Legislation suggests that the Minister will have the ability to establish standards and requirements for non-mandatory programs which are negotiated between the conservation authorities and municipalities to meet local watershed needs;

AND WHEREAS the $133,365 that Mono spends on three conservation authorities (1% of budget) is a bargain for the services provided and begs the question as to why Mono would have to enter into three separate agreements for services it now happily receives - without further red tape;

AND WHEREAS municipalities believe that the appointment of municipal representatives on conservation authority boards should be a municipal decision; and the Chair and Vice Chair of the conservation authority boards should be duly elected;

AND WHEREAS it is sometimes not practical for the Town of Mono to appoint only council members (particularly if this excludes mayors and deputy mayors) to each of the three conservation authorities that service our municipality;

AND WHEREAS it has been the Town of Mono’s experience with the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority that having a chair or vice-chair serve for more than one year has produced experienced individuals;

AND WHEREAS the changes to the ‘Duty of Members’ contradicts the fiduciary duty of a conservation authority board member to represent the best interests of the conservation authority and its responsibility to the watershed;

AND WHEREAS conservation authorities have already been working with the Province, development sector and municipalities to streamline and speed up permitting and planning approvals through Conservation Ontario’s Client Service and Streamlining Initiative;

AND WHEREAS changes to the legislation will create more red tape and costs for the conservation authorities, their municipal partners, and potentially result in delays in the development approval process;

AND WHEREAS municipalities value and rely on the natural habitats and water resources within conservation authority jurisdictions for the health and well-being of residents; municipalities value conservation authorities’ work to prevent and manage the impacts of flooding and other natural hazards; and municipalities value conservation authorities’ work to ensure safe drinking water;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: (i) the Province of Ontario repeal Section 6 of the Budget Measures Act (Bill 229), and (ii) that the Province continue to work with conservation authorities to find workable solutions to reduce red tape and create conditions for growth;

AND FURTHER THAT while we would prefer that Bill 229, Schedule 6 be repealed in its entirety, Council for the Town of Mono recommends the following amendments (in descending order of importance):

  1. Delete the option for a person to appeal to LPAT or directly to the Minister;
  2. Maintain the proposed stop work orders and property access;
  3. Allow non mandatory programs as deemed advisable by each Conservation board;
  4. Allow appointment of a member of the public to the Board and specify 'municipally elected official' rather than ‘municipal councillor’ which may exclude mayors, and continue to allow board chairs and vice chairs to serve more than one consecutive term.


This motion was passed unanimously.

Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for the purposes of collecting payment and registering players for the Ping Pong for Adults program. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Clerk’s Office:, 347209 Mono Centre Road, Mono ON L9W 6S3, 519.941.3599.

Registration Form:

Please fill out the form below. Registration fees are non-refundable. * indicates a required field.

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Please fill out the form below. Registration fees are non-refundable. * indicates a required field.

Complete Registration and Pay

To continue, you must first select at least one session and fill out all the required fields.

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  • Rental fee is non-refundable.
  • ONE  TABLE and TWO CHAIRS will be provided per rental fee. Table and chairs are the property of the Organizer and damage to them must be paid for by the Vendor.
  • Pets, alcoholic beverages, and smoking are prohibited.
  • The Town of Mono is not responsible for accidents or injuries during the set-up of the event, the event, or tearing down the event. This includes people assisting Vendors.
  • The Town of Mono is not responsible for lost or stolen merchandise and/or money.
  • Vendors will have access to set-up their table on Friday, November 8 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday, November 9 from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Elevator is available for use.
  • Burning candles is prohibited.
  • Vendors are requested to remain set-up until the close of the event at 4:00 p.m. All items that were brought by the Vendor must be removed by the Vendor.
  • The Vendor will not sublet or rent out their assigned space at any time.
  • The Organizer is permitted to take photographs of the booths, Vendors and the event. The Organizer is permitted to use these photographs for advertisement or promotion purposes.
  • Nothing can be glued, taped, or tacked to the walls.
  • Electricity is available but limited. Please let us know in advance if you will need it. Extension cords will not be provided. Cords must be secured to the floors with tape.
  • Limited internet available. Internet is not guaranteed at all times.
  • Vendors are responsible for their own cashbox and table covering.
  • Payment will secure your table at the event.

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Submit Your Suggestions

Contact Information

How would you like to be contacted if your naming suggestion is selected?

Naming Suggestions

You may provide ONE suggestion per park.

Fieldstone Parkette (Current Name)

Find out more about Fieldstone Parkette.

Fieldstone Parkette

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Spots Remaining:


Registration Form:

Please fill out the form below. Registration fees are non-refundable. * indicates a required field.

Register: Individual Player/Doubles

Spots Remaining:


Registration Form:

Please fill out the form below. Registration fees are non-refundable. * indicates a required field.

Registration is full.

Registration Form:

Please fill out the form below. Registration fees are non-refundable. * indicates a required field.

Registration is full.

No items found.

Registration is full.

Registration is non-refundable.

Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for the purposes of accepting payments and registering attendees for the Town of Mono's Home Alone Safety Course for Kids. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Clerk’s Office:, 347209 Mono Centre Road, Mono ON L9W 6S3, 519.941.3599.

Spots Remaining: 0

Child's Information:

Release of Liability

Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for the purposes of collecting Halloween colouring submissions and addresses for the 2021 Halloween Treat Bag delivery. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Clerk’s Office:, 347209 Mono Centre Road, Mono ON L9W 6S3, 519.941.3599.

Completed Colouring Sheets & Halloween Costume Pictures

You must upload at least one colouring sheet per child. You are also welcome to upload any pictures of your child /children wearing their costumes. Only upload these photos if you would like them shared on the Town's website and social media.

File Upload *

You must upload a file. If you are unable to submit the form, please check to make sure your file has uploaded.

Security Check *

You must check the box to indicate you are not a robot. This security check is here to prevent spam and abuse of our system.

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Thank you! Your colouring sheet and information have been received! Our ghoulish helps will be delivering the treat bag to the address provided on October 29, 2021.
Ghost outlined in black
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Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for the purposes of collecting addresses to judge for the Halloween Home Decorating Contest. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Clerk’s Office:, 347209 Mono Centre Road, Mono ON L9W 6S3, 519.941.3599.

Contact Information

Please enter your phone number or email where we can reach you if you are chosen to be the winner.

Please enter an alternate phone number if we cannot reach you at your preferred method of contact.

Can We Share Images of Your Home? 

Let us know if we may share an image of your home on our website and social media.

At least one judge will come and take a picture of your house (even if you indicated you do not want it shared on the website and social media). The image will be circulated to the other judges who will vote on this year's home decorations

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You must check the box to indicate you are not a robot. This security check is here to prevent spam and abuse of our system.

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Thank you! Your entry into our home decorating contest has been received! At least one of our judges will come by on October 27, 2021.
Ghost outlined in black
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Part 1

Select the Wreath and Wine Workshops you are registering for today.

Evergreen Wreath

Session 1 of 1

Spots Remaining: 0


Part 2

After you have selected the Wreath and Wine Workshops, we will ask you for the attendee's contact information and age (all attendees must be at least 19 years old).

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Parent / Guardian Registrant's Information

Please enter the name of parent/guardian for the registration. This will be the name you will use to reference at the door.

Additional Parent / Guardians


Children's Names

Thank you! Your submission has been received!
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Spots Remaining:

Lil Cleats (3 or 4)
Tykes (5 and 6)
Twisters (7 and 8)
Cyclones (9 and 10)

How Many Participants Are You Registering?

Parent Information

Please enter the email where we should contact you regarding updates to the soccer program. Your email will only be used for contacting you about soccer.

Select One  



This field is required if you indicated that you would like to be a coach or assistant coach. Commas are not accepted in this field.

First Player: Select the Age Group *

Participant Information *
Gender *

We ask for gender, because it is useful to us when we are organizing the teams.

Player History *

To help us organize the teams, we would like to know if your child has previous soccer experience.

Please provide the name(s) of players who you would like to be on the same team as your child. Do NOT use commas to separate the names. Use "and".
Please Note: we may not be able to accommodate every request.

Second Player: Select the Age Group *

Second Participant's Information *
  Gender *

Player History *

Please provide the name(s) of players who you would like to be on the same team as your child.
Please Note: we may not be able to accommodate every request. Do not use commas in the field. Separate more than one name with "And."

Third Player: Select the Age Group *

Third Participant's Information *
Gender *

Player History *

Please provide the name(s) of players who you would like to be on the same team as your child.
Please Note: we may not be able to accommodate every request. Commas cannot be used in the field.

Fourth Player: Select the Age Group *

Fourth Participant's Information *
Gender *

Player History *

Please provide the name(s) of players who you would like to be on the same team as your child.
Please Note: we may not be able to accommodate every request. Commas cannot be used in the field.

Complete Registration & Pay*
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Date Posted: 
February 16, 2021