The Town of Mono's Public Works Department would like to reissue the important reminder to residents and their contractors, that they are not permitted to undertake any activity on Town property without authorization, via permits, from the Public Works Department. Examples of such activities include but are not limited to; utilizing Town lands / boulevard for the purpose of accessing private property for the installation or placement of pools, structures, gardens, trees, rocks, sprinkler systems, walkways, driveway widenings, grading, etc. It should also be noted that under no circumstances will any of the said objects associated with these types of projects be permitted on Town lands.
Should a resident or their contractor wish to utilize Town lands to access private property or to request a review for driveway modifications, the contractor must complete an entrance or road occupancy application. This application must be submitted to Public Works for review and approval, prior to commencing with any works. Application forms and list of requirements can be found on the Town’s website at:
Please be advised, the Public Works Department sets all standards for entrances / driveways within Town lands. Flush banding or curbing is permitted, but accounts for the overall entrance width. Loose materials, such as river rocks are not permitted as decorative banding for entrances or abutting municipal sidewalks, as they pose a hazard to winter maintenance operations equipment and staff and the public.
Enclosed is a copy of the Town’s typical urban road cross section to assist residents in understanding where the property line exists. For further clarity, the property line is 10 metres (33 feet) from centreline of road or 5.75 metres (19 feet) from centreline of roadside curb.
If an object placed on the boulevard by a resident is removed, damaged or relocated at any time by the Town, the homeowner will assume all costs and responsibility, including any damage to Town equipment. In addition, fire hydrants cannot be obstructed in any way, and must be completely visible from the road as the Fire Department and the Water Operating Authority will need access to the hydrant in the event of an emergency, repair, or maintenance. This means landscaping around the hydrant is also not permitted.
Public Works appreciates resident and contractor cooperation and the efforts taken to ensure the road network remains safe and that Town infrastructure is protected. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact the Public Works Department at or at 519.941.3599 ext. 225.