In May of 2020 the Mono Pollinator Garden volunteers buried cotton undies in various places around the garden. The concept is that over time the soil microbes would eat away at the cotton. Eight weeks later the undies were dug up and were graded for their levels of degradation. The "undies test" helps indicates for the levels of soil microbes and overall soil health. Try it in your garden!
Mono Pollinator Garden — The Undies Test
Town of Mono's
Wine & Paint
Rogers fastest fibre-powered internet† and TV is coming to Mono
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- A1.0 Site Plan - Powerhouse Self-Storage | Jan. 25, 2019
- A3.0 Elevations - Powerhouse Self-Storage | Jan. 25, 2019
- A3.1 Elevations - Powerhouse Self-Storage | Jan. 25, 2019
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- HWY 9 Landscape Plan L1 Layout
- HWY 9 Landscape Plan L2 Details
- Powerhouse - Concept Elevations | Dec. 10, 2018
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- Site Servicing Grading, SWM & Erosion Sediment Control Plan
- Stormwater Management & Functional Servicing Report | Jan. 10, 2019
- Topographic Survey
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Date Posted:
September 25, 2020