October 3, 2022 Update
All major work on the Fieldstone Stormwater Pond Cleaning and Trail is complete and access to residents is now available: Thank you for your patience on this matter.
Original Notice
Brookfield Properties will be undertaking the cleaning of the stormwater pond in the Fieldstone community. The work is tentatively scheduled to begin on July 11th, 2022, depending on weather conditions. The work is a requirement and an important part of ensuring the upkeep of the community's infrastructure.
As part of the stormwater pond cleaning process, accumulated dirt, sediment and debris will be removed from the pond with the goal of helping cleaner water flow into the Eastern Tributaries of the Headwaters Subwatershed, and eventually into Island Lake.
The pond is a major part of the complex network of pipes and infrastructure that make up the community’s stormwater system. Water enters the stormwater system following either a rainfall or snowmelt event, or from activities such as washing cars or watering lawns and can transport sand, salt and other debris into the stormwater pond. Cleaning the sediment from the pond will help to ensure it continues to operate efficiently. The pond cleaning process involves using pumps to drain water from the pond, and excavating the collected material from the bottom of the pond using specialized machinery. Before the material can be removed from the pond, the sediment is left to dry for a period of 3 to 4 weeks, depending on the weather. Then the material will be removed and transported away from the site by truck, to a safe disposal site. The overall duration of the project should take approximately 6 to 8 weeks, depending on weather conditions.
Access to the Pond and Walking Trail Will Be Closed
During this time, access to the pond area and walking trail will be closed to all pedestrian traffic. Fencing and signs will be posted at the entrances to the pond advising that no entry is permitted. No residents are to enter the pond area during the work period, as it will be an active construction site. For your safety, please observe and adhere to all warning signs, pylons, and signalers during the work period, particularly while trucks are entering or leaving the site. The pedestrian walkway will be closed North & South of the pond area. However, the playground will remain open for use. Access to the playground will only be from 1st Line EHS, or the walkway between 26 & 28 Meek Ave.