Bylaw Enforcement & Bylaws

Official Election Results


Laura Ryan


Stephen Unwin


Laura Ryan

Stephen Unwin

 Spoiled Ballots: 12 (0.51%)

 Declined Ballots: 33 (1.41%)

Deputy Mayor

Elaine Capes


John Creelman


Elaine Capes

John Creelman

 Spoiled Ballots: 10 (0.43%)

 Declined Ballots: 26 (1.12%)


Ralph Manketelow


Sharon Martin


Bob McCrea




Diane Walmsley


Ralph Manktelow

Sharon Martin

Bob McCrea

Fred Nix

Diane Walmsley

 Spoiled Ballots: 8 (0.13%)

 Declined Ballots: 52 (0.85%)

School Board Trustees - Upper Grand District School Board

Lynn Topping


Alethia O'Hara-Stephenson


Lynn Topping

Alethia O'Hara-Stephenson


In This Section

Bylaw Enforcement

The Town of Mono is committed to rigorously enforcing its Bylaws.

Our Enforcement Policy may be found at Enforcement is both complaint based as well as at the discretion of a Bylaw Enforcement Officer upon observation of possible violations.

A form to lodge a Bylaw complaint can be found here —

Personal information stemming from a complaint or use of this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used to enforce municipal Bylaws.

Our objective is to quickly achieve conformity with spirit and letter of our Bylaws.

To that end our Enforcement Officers will investigate complaints and observe situations issuing warnings of non-conformity where warranted.

If a violation is particularly blatant or represents an immediate threat to health and safety, the Enforcement Officer may immediately issue a ticket or summons, the latter requiring Provincial Offences Court attendance.

The Town also has the option of issuing Orders under our Community Standards By-law or other By-laws requiring property cleanup and the cessation of certain activities contrary to our Bylaws.

These Orders will clearly state the Town’s expectations and afford reasonable time for compliance. Failure to abide by an Order may result in legal or other actions by the Town at the expense of the recipient.

These Orders and responses filed with the Town are published here:

Compliance Orders

833160 4th Line

Status: Failure to comply, charges laid ⮧, Ontario Superior Court of Justice Order issued

Contravention of:

  • Community Standards Bylaw (Bylaw 2020-33)
  • Wreckers By-law (Bylaw 2001-42)
  • Zoning Bylaw (Bylaw 78-1)

207535 Highway 9

Status: Compliance achieved, continuing to monitor

Contravention of:

  • Zoning By-Law (Bylaw 78-1 as amended)

634145 Highway 10

Status: Compliance achieved.

Contravention of:

  • Community Standards Bylaw (Bylaw 2020-33)
  • Bylaw 2001-42 as amended (the "Wreckers Bylaw")
  • Zoning Bylaw (Bylaw 78-1 as amended)

633187 Highway 10/24

Status: Compliance achieved.

Contravention of:

  • Zoning Bylaw (Bylaw 78-1 as amended)

Con 1 W W PT Lot 13 PCL 3

Status: Order to Comply issued

Contravention of:

  • Zoning Bylaw (Bylaw 78-1 as amended)

634555 Highway 10

Status: Sentenced Sep 4, 2024 — $5,000 fine plus 1 year probation order.

Contravention of:

  • Zoning Bylaw (Bylaw 78-1 as amended)

426282 25th Sideroad

Status: Failure to comply, charges laid ⮧

307289 Hockley Road

Status: Order to Comply issued

Part Ⅲ Bylaw Charges

Part Ⅲ By-law charges currently before the courts and their disposition:

Property Offence Date Charges Filed 1st Appearance Date Disposition
426282 25 Sideroad 26 July 2023 Court Date: September 19, 2023. No show, ex parte trial set for Dec 6, 2023. Plead guilty to both charges. $1,000 fine for having an outside storage area; suspended sentence for operating a Transportation Depot.
634555 Highway 10 17 May 2023 30 May 2023 Sentenced Sep 4, 2024 — $5,000 fine plus 1 year probation order.
833160 4th Line EHS 4 October 2021 15 December 2021 Court Date: December 12, 2022. Plead guilty failing to comply with an Order. $1500 fine plus victim surcharge. Plead guilty to the use of outside storage. $2500 fine plus victim surcharge.
207353 Highway 9 2 September 2021 5 October 2021 Plead guilty. $700 fine
633187 Highway 10 2 September 2021 5 October 2021 Plead guilty to one count of importation of file and site alteration. $200 fine (plus surcharge).
487372 30 Sideroad 4 December 2020 23 February 2021 Pled guilty to all counts. Suspended sentence taking into consideration landowners applied for & received permits from Town, NEC & NVCA including soil sampling showing no contamination.
634447 Highway 10 4 December 2020 23 February 2021 Pled guilty, suspended sentence
Landowner was granted permission by Town to keep fill on site to construct a driveway.
634466 Highway 10 4 December 2020 23 February 2021 Pled guilty to charge of importing fill contrary to Fill Bylaw. $250 fine (plus surcharge).
207455 Highway 9 4 December 2020 23 February 2021 Pled guilty to all counts. $250 fine (plus surcharge).
Mar-San Contractors lnc. 4 December 2020 23 February 2021 Pled guilty, $300 fine on each of 2 counts.
Mar-San is a contractor who transported fill to 634447 Highway 10 & 634466 Highway 10. Refer to those properties for further disposition.

Questions about Bylaws and their enforcement should be directed to the Clerk’s Office:, 347209 Mono Centre Road, Mono ON L9W 6S3, 519.941.3599.

Town of Mono Bylaws

The most common bylaws are shown in the Frequently Accessed Bylaws section.

You can also browse through a list of our bylaws online or use the search field in the next section.

If you cannot find the bylaw that you are looking for, you can either submit a request to the town or call us at 519.941.3599.

Frequently Accessed Bylaws

  1. Consolidated Dog Bylaw (July 2019)
  2. Community Standards Bylaw
  3. Development Charge Bylaw
    Amendment: 2021-48
  4. Driving School Bylaw
  5. False Alarm to Police Bylaw
  6. Fence Bylaw
  7. Firearms: For fire arm bylaws, see the Bylaw prohibiting the carrying and discharging of firearms and bows & arrows on all Town owned lands and parks (Bylaw 95-16) and the bylaw prohibiting the discharge of fire arms at night (Bylaw 2019-46). In addition to these bylaws, hunters are also required to follow the regulations of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act.
  8. Fire Bylaw (you can submit an application for a fire permit online)
  9. Fireworks Bylaw (2022-46)
  10. Noise Bylaw
    For information on propane-fired cannons to keep birds away from vineyards, see the Bird Bangers page.
  11. Parks (this includes: all pets must be leashed and pet waste must be removed; no setting off fireworks or firecrackers without an approved fireworks display application; littering and pollution; and more).
  12. Procedural Bylaw
  13. Property Standards Bylaw
  14. Sign Bylaw
  15. Site Alteration, Placement of Fill and Removal of Topsoil Bylaw ("Fill Bylaw") — Amendment to Fill Bylaw (Bylaw 2020-27)
  16. Tree Bylaw
  17. Wastewater
  18. Water
  19. Wind Generation Systems
  20. Zoning Bylaw
Mayor John Creelman

John Creelman


(519) 939-2472

Deputy Mayor Fred Nix

Fred Nix

Deputy Mayor

(519) 941-0225

Elaine Capes

Elaine Capes


(519) 941-3599, ext. 813

Councillor Melinda Davie

Melinda Davie


(519) 941-3599, ext. 814

Councillor Ralph Manktelow

Ralph Manktelow


(519) 941-8414
Cell: 519.217.6362

27 April, 2024

Watch the Town Hall Recorded Video:

14 June, 2023

Watch the Town Hall Recorded Video:

5 April, 2022

Watch the Town Hall Recorded Video:

6 May, 2021

Watch the Town Hall Recorded Video:

5 November

Watch the Town Hall Recorded Video:

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You can watch the Town Hall Meeting on YouTube and skip to specific parts of the agenda:

Once on YouTube, there are links in the description to navigate to other parts of the meeting.

21 April

Dean Smith, president of Intelivote Systems Inc., gave a presentation on the Internet and telephone election process that will be used during the upcoming municipal election. This was followed by Cynthia Unwin, a member of the , who spoheatus ofhi-speed Internet service in Mono.

Town Hall Meeting Questions and Responses

When will the sewage costs for residents of the Fieldstone/Brookfield Subdivision be reviewed and will it incorporate a usage rate structure, similar to water meters, in lieu of the current flat rate?

When the subdivision was agreed to by the Town to build a communal septic system for the 343 new homes, Brookfield was required to build the plant to the Town’s engineering specifications and provide a letter of credit to be held by the Town until it was assumed. C.N. Watson & Associates consulting firm was engaged by the Town, at Brookfield’s cost, to develop an estimated operating and capital cost associated with the plant’s operation, to bill to Brookfield and the property owners. This was an estimated costing as there needed to be a history of operating costs at full build-out related to operations to better understand the plant’s requirements. The Town has not taken ownership of the system and Brookfield continue to be responsible for all operating costs. The Town has been monitoring the costs & reimbursing Brookfield for the operating charges collected and the Town is retaining the capital costs associated with the life-time maintenance schedule.As of early 2018, the subdivision has been built out. As part of the subdivision agreement with the Town, Brookfield is required to have the water and wastewater fees reviewed prior to the Town assuming the subdivision. This will have to be provided along with operational records that the plant is functioning effectively before the Town will assume the plant and the letter of credit released to Brookfield.Brookfield has begun the assumption process and determining compliance with the subdivision agreement. It is expected this may take up to 2 years to convey the plant and reach final assumption. The study will have to be completed and the plant will have to be properly functioning before the Town will assume it.Options other to a flat rate was investigated in the first study and will be investigated as part of the report to be prepared at assumption.

How many events are scheduled for the Island Lake Amphitheatre this summer and will the Town be enforcing its Noise Bylaw?

Credit Valley Conservation presented a request asking that they be exempt from the provision of the Town's noise bylaw that prohibits amplified sound after 5 p.m. for eleven events to be held at Island Lake Conservation Area. One event, Celebrate Your Awesome on June 23rd, has been cancelled. The Authority have agreed to rigorously monitor noise conditions during these events and enforce adjusting or shutting off the audio system if the sound at five predetermined points of reception exceeds 55 decibels. 55 dB is the level stated in the Novus Environmental report as the "General objective for outdoor events" and is considered between "Quiet suburb or conversation at home (50 dB)" and "Conversation in restaurant, office, or background music (60 dB)".

What is the Town doing about truck traffic on French Drive?

The Town will pursue with the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) installation of traffic lights at the intersection of 2nd Line EHS and Hwy 9. Even though the lights would be paid for by the Town, it can be a slow process often taking years before MTO agrees to install lights. The Town has also considered installing “No Trucks” signs however enforcement is an issue.

Why has Orangeville Chrysler been allowed to install wash bays when at Committee of Adjustment they claimed that these doors were for storage?

The Committee of Adjustment meeting was solely related to a requirement by Orangeville Chrysler to obtain a minor variance to grant a reduced side yard setback necessitated by the planned expansion. While there was dialogue with Orangeville Chrysler regarding the nature of the planned expansion, the mandate of the committee’s deliberations at this meeting was to address the merits of the reduced side yard setback.

Is there anything that the Town can do to encourage residents to use blue bags instead of blue bins in an effort to reduce trash that blows around on windy days?

Waste collection is a County responsibility. The Mayor & Deputy Mayor will raise this at an upcoming County Council meeting. Blue bags have generally been discouraged at the County since the blue bag is not recyclable.

Are there any plans to build a park in the Brookfield subdivision (French Drive)?

The Town is in the process of completing a Parkland Needs Study which should be completed by summer. Based on that study’s findings, Council will develop a plan for a Town wide plan on new recreation facilities including parks.

Can speed bumps be installed along French Drive to reduce speeding?

The Town’s snow ploughs are not compatible with speed bumps and it would be prohibitively expensive to replace the ploughs. The Town is considering instituting a Community Safety Zone in this area which would double the fines for speeding which should deter many drivers from speeding.

Why did the Town not inform residents of the new prime agricultural mapping and hold public meetings?

The new agricultural mapping was implemented by the Province with one consultation province wide. The Town commented at this time that municipal designations of prime agricultural land should form the basis for the province wide agricultural mapping. The Province released their mapping and policies on February 9, 2018, effective the same date.

28 October

Lyle Wood of the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA) gave a presentation on changing weather patterns and the affect those changes are having locally. Lyle noted that summers are getting hotter and dryer but that the greatest change is occurring during winter with average daily winter temperature (within the NVCA watershed) having increased by 1.3° C over the last 30 years.

Well and water specialist Bob Shirley spoke on the proper care of private wells, addressing the key issues that homeowners need to be aware of when it comes to the taking care of their wells.

Town Hall Meeting Questions and Responses

With the anticipated drier summers as pointed out by Lyle Woods, should the Town be promoting the use of rain barrels?

The Town used to offer a program where they sold rain barrels to residents at below market cost. That program has since ended; however, the Town will add a section about the benefits of rain barrels to its Wise Water Use web page.

Several residents from Fieldstone (Brookfield subdivision) asked what the Town was doing to address noise complaints they have with two nearby car dealerships.

This issue also came up recently at Council (see October 24th, 2017 Council Highlights). The Town has been working with affected residents and the businesses in question for several weeks in an attempt to find a solution to the problem. Primarily at issue is the dealerships' use of an outdoor public address system. Council is continuing to work on finding a resolution acceptable to both the residents and the businesses.

What can be done about the trucks that are using French Drive to get from 2nd Line to 1 Line EHS to take advantage of the traffic lights at 1st Line & Hwy 9?

A letter was sent to the car dealerships on Hwy 9 earlier this year advising them of residents' concerns. A letter will also be sent to the businesses in the Coles subdivision. Public Works will continue to monitor the situation as part of their routine road safety patrols.

What do I do if someone is hunting on my property without my permission?

It is an offence under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997 for anyone to trespass for the purpose of hunting or fishing.People should report abuse via the Natural Resources Violation Reporting Line: 1-877-847-7667.

According to MNR's Ontario Hunting Regulations Summary Guide:

A person is trespassing if the person, without appropriate permission, enters onto property or engages in an activity on property where notice has been given that entry or the activity is not allowed. Notice may be given in a variety of ways; some of the common ones are verbally, signs, symbols or fences. Lands under cultivation are also considered to be notice against entry. A hunting licence does not give a hunter the right to enter private property.Not all land is signed. Unsigned lands may be private land as well. (For example if the property is fenced, no access is permitted without permission of the occupier.) It is your responsibility to find out who owns the land you wish to hunt on and obtain permission. If unsure, stay out. If a wounded animal runs onto private property where you do not have permission to enter, you must seek the landowner’s or occupier’s permission to retrieve the animal.

As well as the Natural Resources Violation Reporting Line, you may also report cases of trespass or suspected poaching to Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.

Has the Town considered installing electric vehicle recharging stations?

Headwaters Tourism is investigating the possibility of placing re-charging stations throughout the Headwaters region.

Are there any plans to make the paths in the Mono Pollinator Garden accessible?

The walking paths at the Mono Pollinator Garden are currently topped with wood chips which are not easily used by those with mobility concerns including wheelchairs. Council hopes to upgrade these paths to aggregate screenings which would be more wheelchair friendly. The Town has been soliciting donations to continue the development of the Mono Pollinator Garden and will upgrade the paths as funds become available.

Will Mono Community Centre be upgraded to improve the acoustics?

A study was undertaken earlier this year to assess how to improve the acoustics in the banquet hall at Mono Community Centre. Based on that study, installation of sound remediation measures should be completed in the first quarter of 2018.

25 March

The Director of Public Works Michael Dunmore gave a presentation on water quality; and Mono resident John Ito and Bo Cheyne from Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health spoke about the health risks of radon gas accumulating in buildings including people's homes. The presentations were followed by an open forum.

Town Hall Meeting Questions and Responses

The waste water system has been operational for 2 years. With the delay in closings of Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the Fieldstone site, has the council reviewed the operating costs and provided an update to the residents regarding the excessive flat rate fee for waste water.
The applicant is actually ahead of schedule on completion of the development. The Town has committed to completing a review of the fees for the system when build-out is complete and operational costs are better established

If ever there was a constant drought for our area, and the wells of Orangeville became extremely low, would the solution be for the Town of Orangeville to truck in water to replenish the wells? After last year's drought, and not that much snow this winter, we're both concerned about the long term effects of water usage and the growing population using the resources up more and more.
Neither the Town of Mono nor the Town of Orangeville had any short term effects on their municipal water supplies last year, even during the drought conditions. If the Town of Orangeville systems were stressed, it would be expected that the Mono systems would also be stressed. If necessary, the Towns would implement water conservation techniques, ranging initially from voluntary usage restrictions to mandatory water bans if problems persist. Importation from other sources (e.g. areas where drought is not occurring, lake based sources) would be a last resort option.

I realize that the County deals with housing yet I'm wondering what we can do as a town to support reasonable housing given the extreme cost of housing (both ownership and most rentals) in our time. I'm thinking especially about those who are single and young. Are there bylaws we can look at to allow for example, tiny homes on properties that cannot be severed? Is there land where there could be some co-housing built that is geared to income? Can we think creatively in a way that is environmentally responsible and allows for more people to have a home?
Affordable housing is a problem that extends beyond municipal boundaries. It has been recently addressed in the Federal Budget this week, and must be addressed by all levels of governments. With the significant land prices in Mono and without available development land on full water and sewer services it is difficult for Mono to realistically provide affordable housing as set out by the Province.

Will the Town of Mono provide locking blue boxes to prevent recyclables blowing in the neighborhood?
Mayor Ryan advised that the garbage matter would be referred back to County Waste Management.

Will the Town enforce bylaws against Brookfield for blowing debris?
The Town will contact Brookfield to monitor clean up on the property and stormwater management ponds.

Can the Town develop "kiddie parks" in the Brookfield community?
CAO Mark Early advised that both major residential areas were developed with larger regional style parks and that the Town had no plans to build smaller parks in the area.

Will the Town support the Township of Mulmur's resolution to prohibit the trial of motorized vehicles in County forests?
Mayor Ryan advised that she did not feel that the trial of motorized vehicles would be moving forward.

Can the Town utilize the Strategic Plan 3 E's to discourage or prohibit unwanted development proposals?
CAO Mark Early advised that municipalities must process all applications; however, he is looking at a standardized report to Council which would take into account the 3 E's to assist Council in its deliberations.

Will the Town be providing the costs of the Cox, Singer and Greenwood hearings and/or applications?
Mayor Ryan noted that the cost of the Cox Normal Farm Practices Protection Board hearing was already reported to Council, that the Singer matter is currently awaiting a decision, and that the Greenwood costs will be borne by the applicant during the planning process.

Why did Council object to the Singer application? Mayor Ryan stated that Council objected because the application lacked clarity and was not supported by neighbours due to noise and environmental concerns.

Is the Town aware of fill being moved onto the Greenwood Aggregate proposal property?
This was the first time the Town had heard this concern. A neighbour indicated that it is manure being brought onto the land for agricultural use.

Please provide an update on the status of the Greenwood Aggregates application including any responses to any of the objection letters.The letters have been filed with MNR under the Aggregates Resources Act and the applicant (Greenwood) has up to 2 years to resolve the concerns.

I would like to enquire about the issue of dust, speeding & safety on 25 Sideroad.
The speeding and safety issue will be forwarded to the police services board.

Is Council putting pressure on the County to have Mono Centre Road re-paved?Those works are in the 2017 County budget.

12 November

Town Hall Meeting Questions and Responses

Resident’s concern re: neighbour property uses and enforcement.

It was suggested that documented file received from the resident be reviewed and by-law enforcement would be required if appropriate.

Spreading of sewage sludge and proper documentation on properties especially well head protection areas.

Council will follow up with current enforcement and book time with MOECC to ensure compliance with regulations is documented. Staff will investigate with OMAFRA and MOECC on follow-up enforcement on specific properties.

The Town’s involvement in monitoring water quality.

Annual reports are circulated on monitoring of Town water systems and are posted on our website. The Town is responsible for the water system and the proper maintenance standards being performed. Protecting Source Water Areas is on the current agendas and Council will be attending upcoming conferences to speak with Ministry staff on the issue.

When will the first meeting with Adamo Winery take place?

The meeting is being scheduled to include OMAFRA reps, staff, member from Council and citizen reps. It will be scheduled in the New Year.Post Script: This meeting was held on January 13th, 2017 details of which can be found on the Adamo Winery page of the Town's website.

Should NVCA be involved in sludge spreading issue?

Council will ensure that NVCA is contacted with any concerns or discussions required when permits are issued by MOECC or OMAFRA.

Community Centres are costing too much in tax payer dollars to maintain. What options are being discussed to lower the cost to maintain these facilities?

Council continues to monitor the costs for these centres and have asked the Director of Recreation to investigate further opportunities to increase rental revenues to try to balance maintenance costs.

Why were trees cut on private property?

The Director of Public Works will be asked to do a site visit to investigate the property in question.

Has a ward system in the Town for municipal elections been considered?

Yes. All members of Council prefer to be elected “at large” as it balances the view at the Council table. All residents have to be considered in decisions for services and all 5 members have to represent all residents with the current system.

Where are we at with High Speed Internet service?

The County is a member in the new SWIFT project that will bring fibre-optic cabling into the region though we still need to complete the “last mile” to connect our rural residents. It is a costly and difficult process and Council continues to investigate options with Internet Service Providers.

Post Script: You can test the quality of your Internet connection at

Citizen Engagement is still a problem. What can be done to further involve residents with the decisions for the Town?

Council has started these Town Hall meetings to provide information and exchange of ideas. We are looking into social media and our website is worked on regularly to enhance the information provided. Regular briefs are provided after each Council meeting.

» Sign-up for Council Highlights

Why are the youth of our community not involved with Council business?

Council acknowledged that this is a concern and are looking for opportunities to include the youth in the community. Any suggestions would be appreciated. » Send us your ideas

Traffic concerns on Mono-Amaranth Townline and speeding.

Council will refer this to Mono Police Services Board for monitoring.

General Comments were heard regarding the format of Town Hall meetings and that a sound system needs to be used. General consensus asked for regular meetings and more informative speakers. It was suggested that there are more ways to communicate with citizens than just the website. Advertising of meetings in future would help attendance.

The Town of Mono respects and is committed to protecting your privacy. We maintain a strict “No-Spam” policy and will not sell, rent, or otherwise give your personal information to a third-party, without your consent. The information you provide by completing this Citizen Resource Register form will only be made available to Council and staff and then only for the purpose of assisting people to volunteer their time and skills to the town.

Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for the purposes of considering interested people in available volunteer opportunities of interest. Questions about this collection should be directed to the Clerk’s Office:, 347209 Mono Centre Road, Mono ON L9W 6S3,519.941.3599.

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