Application for Amendment to Site Plan Approval

File Number: 
SPA 2019-03

The Town entered into a Site Plan Agreement with 2035067 Ontario Ltd. (Peerless Woodworking) for the construction of an industrial building on 15 French Drive (subject property) in 2003. Certain obligations under the Site Plan Agreement had not been completed when the property was sold to 1389486 Ontario Inc. and Susan Corlett, the current owners, in 2009. An Application for a Site Plan Amendment, under SPA File No. 2009-02, was subsequently received for a small addition to the building. The new owners agreed to fulfil all outstanding obligations under the original Site Plan Agreement with the addition plus revised landscaping and lighting plans to the satisfaction of the Town. Town Council passed Resolution #5-20-2009 indicating they had no objection to the proposed modifications to the original Site Plan Agreement.

TDI International Ag Inc. has applied for a further amendment to the Site Plan Agreement, being File No. SPA 2019-03. The Applicant is proposing to construct a small entrance addition on the north facade of the existing building and interior renovations, including offices and storage on the second storey.

The complete memo including drawings can be found in the Documents section.

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