Archived Planning ApplicationsActive Planning ApplicationsProvincial Minister Zoning Order (MZO) Review
File Number:
A Minister’s zoning order (MZO), per Section 47 of the Planning Act, allows the Minister of Municipal Affairs & Housing (MMAH) to enact zoning regulations and grant consents under Section 34 and Section 50(4) of the Planning Act. An MZO has the effect of establishing land use permissions and development controls that can be implemented in any area of the Province, regardless of the underlying upper tier (Dufferin County) or lower tier (Mono) municipal official plan designation(s).
An MZO can be passed without advanced public notice or public meeting(s), consultation or right of appeal.
An MZO may set specific requirements for new development, such as:
- minimum lot sizes
- frontage
- access
- servicing requirements
- restrict certain types of development