Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism Site Plan Revision
Property: 248305 5 Side Road
An application has been made to the Niagara Escarpment Commission to revise the approved site plan for the existing 2.01 hectare cemetery portion of the existing 42.3-hectare property.
The revised proposal includes four 25-year phases of development to be implemented over 100 years as follows:
- Phase 1: 1,277 columbarium niches and 206 burial plots;
- Phase 2: 1,165 columbarium niches and 359 burial plots;
- Phase 3: 1,128 columbarium niches and 288 burial plots;
- Phase 4: 952 columbarium niches and 359 burial plots.
The proposal also includes construction of a 7.45 metres tall, 8.6 metres wide vehicular entrance archway and tree planting (approximately 248 trees).
Conditional Support
At the Special Council Meeting on November 17, 2020, Council gave conditional support for this application. The conditions given are as follows:
- The Town of Mono is concerned that the applicant has not met the tests to date regarding the benefit to the local community of the amount of columbariums proposed. Adherence to this policy must be clarified in any decision made by the Niagara Escarpment Commission;
- The upset limit of burial sites onsite should be limited to the current amount permitted on the property by the existing 1987 Development Permit (1575 plots). A maximum of 365 columbarium would be supported within the existing limits. Any increase beyond the approved 1987 Development Permit should require an amendment to the Niagara Escarpment Plan;
- The proposed landscaping should be enhanced along 5 Sideroad between the burial sites and the residential uses to the south and east;
- The Town supports the archway design and location as proposed.
Statutory Public Council Meeting
You can view the video recording of the meeting on the Town's YouTube Channel.
Appeal Information
Any Town Council resolution may be forwarded to NEC in order for its consideration by NEC prior to NEC rendering a decision on Permit Application # 291. Decisions made by NEC may be appealed to the Environmental Review Tribunal (ERT). If you are eligible and have reason to appeal, you must submit a completed Appeal Form or a written letter, specifying your reasons for appeal, within 14 days of the date of Notice of Decision from the NEC. Appeal form can be downloaded from the Niagara Escarpment Commission. If you submit a written letter of appeal, please include name, address, daytime phone number, e-mail address and your fax number. A completed Appeal Form or the letter of appeal must be mailed to 232 Guelph Street, Georgetown, ON L7G 4B1 or sent by email to
Key Map
- November 17, 2020 Council Meeting Presentation Prepared by Evans Planning (November 17, 2020)
- Burnside Traffic Comments, dated November 9, 2020 (NEW!)
- Comments Received (up to the open house on September 29, 2020)
- Evans Planning — Summary of Activities Related to the Future Coordination of this Land, dated October 16, 2019 (New!)
- Fung Loy Kok Institute of Taoism Architectural Drawing Set (SP-1 Master Plan of Taoism Insitute Subject Lands), dated 2019-10-3
- Landscape Plans (L1 - Landscape Plan), dated October 3, 2019
- Site Plan Presentation Drawings, (dated 2019-10-3)
- Harrington McAvan — Preliminary Visual Impact Assessment, dated October 3, 2019 (NEW!)
- Trans-Plan Traffic Operations Assessment / Driver Sight Distance / Safety, dated September 2019 (NEW!)
- Memorial Garden 3D Rendering Based on Revised Site Plan, (dated 2019-8-7)
- Niagara Escarpment Hearing Office Recommendation: Taoist Tai Chi Society of Canada, dated August 30, 2000 (NEW!)
- Summary Report: Proposed Niagara Escarpment Plan Amendment PD/117/96, dated May 18, 2000 (NEW!)
- Evans Planning — Planning Justification Report, dated May 2018 (NEW!)