Active Planning ApplicationsRequest for Exception to Fill Bylaw: Gravel to Construct MTO Approved Entrance
File Number:
FBL 01-2022
Subject Property: 507286 Highway 89, Mono, ON
Purpose: To import approximately 35 truck loads of gravel from the local licensed aggregate Mulmur Township Gravel Pit on 2nd Line and Highway 89 to subject property. The gravel will be used to construct an MTO-approved driveway entrance.
- Sketch for Building Permit Application, dated August 14, 2021
- Ministry of Transportation: Building and Land Use Permit, dated December 7, 2021
- Ministry of Transportation: Entrance Permit, dated December 7, 2021
- Municipal Approval Application, dated December 30, 2021
- Niagara Escarpment Commission: Development Permit, dated January 5, 2022
- Letter Requesting Exception to Fill Bylaw (Bylaw 2014-31), dated January 6, 2022
- Public Meeting Notice, date of meeting: February 8, 2022 at 4:15 pm (Please be aware that the time of this meeting has changed from 7 pm to 4:15 pm)
Haul Route