Archived Planning ApplicationsActive Planning ApplicationsMinor Variance: 633218 Highway 10
File Number:
Subject Property:
633218 Highway 10, Mono
The Applicants are seeking approval for a Minor Variance for the Severed Parcel as the proposed lot frontage does not comply with the Town of Mono Zoning By-law 78-1 (the “Zoning By-law”).
Variance: A 30.48 metre lot frontage will be provided, whereas Zoning By-law 78-1 requires a 36.48 metre lot frontage.
- Plan of Survey and Sketch
- Application Form, dated January 30, 2024
- Cover Letter, dated January 31, 2024
- Subject to Right of Way PT 2 7R-4862 as in LTD32311 (in favor of PT 3 7R-4862)
- Subject to Right of Way PT 2 7R-3574 as in MF135851 (in favor of PT 3 7R-4862, PT 1 7R-4992 and PT 1 7R-5922)
- Subject to Easement PT 2 7R-2911 as in MF185641 (in favor of Bell Canada)
- Subject to Easement PT 2 7R-3574 as in DC117387 (in favor of Enbridge Gas)
- Subject to Right of Way PT 2 7R-2911 MF193575 (in favor of PT 1 7R-2911)
- Subject to Covenant as described in MF39001 (in favor of Town of Mono)
Notice of Public Meeting
- Notice of Public Meeting (Committee of Adjustment) | Meeting Date & Time: Thursday, March 28 at 7 pm
Notice of Decision
Decision: Granted.
- Notice of Decision, dated April 3, 2024.