Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled. The Dufferin Hi-Land Bruce Trail Club will be attempting it again next year. Thanks to all who registered and the club will be in touch shortly to issue refunds for registration fees.
Can you hike 57 kilometers in a day? Come and experience the beauty of the Dufferin Hi-Land section, earn your White Trillium Badge, plus experience the best of Dufferin County hospitality at our checkpoints. Registration opens at 5:45 AM and the bus leaves at 6:30 am from the Mono Community Centre parking lot in Mono Centre. New for 2022, we are including an event 'T' shirt with our white trillium badge as a logo to wear with pride. If you choose, you can donate the cost of the shirt back to the Dufferin Hi-Land club for land procurement and trail development!
This is the most challenging event of the year, and for only the most experienced hikers. Please no one under the age of 16.

Date and Time
This event has been cancelled.